Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Walking On Water Power

Please raise your hand if you have performed the following. Have you have ever walked on water?  Although I am not able to see your response I am guessing that no hands were raised. I am also guessing that you are thinking, "Has he lost his ever loving mind? Why is he asking me to respond to such a foolish question?"  Wait! Don't stop reading. There is a point to this seemingly ridiculous question. As far as we know, no one in the history of man or woman has walked on water except Jesus. Well, Peter briefly walked on water. Here is my point. Peter, a man like you and me, defied the laws of nature and walked on water even if it was only a few steps. He did the impossible. It happened after he asked Jesus if he could come to him. Jesus just happened to be walking on the sea during a raging storm. I don't think Peter's goal was to walk on water. I think Peter wanted more than anything, during this frightening storm, to be with Jesus, like a child who is frightened wants to be in the arms of his mommy and will run to her the moment he sees her. 

As Peter was taking those few steps he was thinking of nothing else but to be by Jesus' side. When we are in the presence of Jesus, our minds fixed on him, we have power, walking on water power. I’m not suggesting that you try to walk on water, but think what you could accomplish if you really believed that Jesus can use you to do what you have thought was impossible for you to do. Many Christians have experienced this same kind of power. Maybe you have too if you just think about

Matthew 14:28-33. Philippians 4:13

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