Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Value of Words

Have you ever read a dictionary? I suppose not. The dictionary is full of words. Every word we use when we speak is in the dictionary. Actually, today, probably an on-line dictionary. We have every word at our disposal. We have learned to put words together to give meaning to what we want to express. As we add words to our vocabulary we are well aware that we can use some of them to bless others and some to destroy others. Words are powerful, and we must be careful how we use them.

Some words make us feel good. Love, beauty, sweet, precious, safe, and happy are examples of just a few of the words that make us smile. Words like hate, fear, ugly, sick, danger and sad are words that cause us to not feel so good. Unfortunately, we have to use some words to describe pain, suffering, heartache and death. There are many other words that are unflattering, hateful, cutting and vindictive that are intentionally used to hurt others. Some people are very good at using words like these. Most of us have had these terrible words directed toward us. Oh, how horrible we feel when someone decides to attack us with words that are meant to tear us apart, especially when they come from a friend or someone we have trusted.

I thank God for people who make it a practice to speak kind words, words that encourage that make others feel good about themselves. I am thankful for people who speak words of correction in honesty and love. There is a word in the dictionary for people like this. It's friend. All the words we use are free. We can choose any word we want without being charged a penny. But words used in the right way for a positive purpose are priceless. Words that you use can be like gold to those to whom you speak. Which words will you choose to use today? I hope every word you use will define you as a valued Friend.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

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