Monday, January 8, 2018

Who Do You Think You Are

“Lord our Lord, how  majestic is your name in all the earth!”

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” Psalm 8

“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3: 19

When we consider God, his majesty, his mighty works, his saving grace, and his care for us who do we think we are when we  refuse to give him the honor and glory that he deserves? Who are we to refuse to worship him and diligently search the Holy Scriptures to know him more completely? Who are we to say all manner of things that contradict who Jesus is and devise our own plan for living; a plan that caters to our selfish desires?

Recently I had someone tell me that I was too extreme in the way that I serve God. Going to church every Sunday and worshipping with fellow believers (which is what we are supposed to do), serving with the body of Christ by giving our time and our money, taking every opportunity to carry on Spiritual Conversations, as our pastor mentioned yesterday, are these actions too extreme? We who were created by God, who came from dust, who were crowned with glory and honor by him, and were made rulers over the works of his hand, the creatures of earth, the birds of the sky, and the fish that swim in the seas, being given the responsibility of caring for his creation and proclaiming the name of Jesus, how can anything we do be too extreme?

How can we be accused of being too spiritual when we tell others about our Savior Jesus Christ? He did not come in secret. He did not hide who he was, nor why he came. A man, yet God in flesh is how he came. He said that he was the Light of the world. He called God His very own father. He said, “I have come that all may have life, eternal life.” He said if everyone remained silent the rocks along the road would praise him and cry out with cheers. Jesus let it be known that he came to draw all men unto himself. But it is for us to lift him high, lift him up so that others might see him and be healed of their sin. He let it be known that he was the Son of God, the Messiah. Over and over and over again Jesus made no mistake about who he was, what he came to this world to do, and what he expected of those who chose to follow him. He showed the world that he overcame death. He presented himself as the resurrected Savior.

Today too many Christians are hiding, Christians in secret, afraid that someone might accuse them of being too extreme or too spiritual. We need more Christians to come out from their hiding places to tell others about Jesus. In a world that is turning away from God and in danger of dying eternally without Jesus there is no way we can be too extreme. If we do not tell them about Jesus, who will? How can we keep quiet and not speak the name of our blessed Savior Jesus Christ? How sad if we allow inanimate objects do our bidding.  

One day every person and every creature will bow before Him and cry out his name and confess that he is the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, Jesus! There has never been anyone like him. For many that last testimony as to who he is will be too late. God wants extreme Christians. He  doesn’t want excuses. He wants obedience.

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