Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Mess of Giantic Proportions

I guess it was at least 3 years ago that I decided the most foolish thing I could do was to argue with anyone about any issue on Facebook. Maybe I decided that because I am not one who likes controversy. Maybe it was because I noticed that the angrier those who opposed me got with me, the angrier I got with them. The result, every time, was that I did not change my opponents view, nor did they change my view. I decided that just as I had the right to my opinions, those who disagreed with me had the right to their opinions.

Let’s face it, our country is in a mess of gigantic proportions! Anyone who knows anything knew what kind of mess we were in before the latest school shooting. We knew it before the tragic killing in Virginia that precipitated the protesting concerning the display of Confederate statues. We knew it  before the protest by football players against law enforcement officials, and before any of the other controversies which viciously divides the aisle in our nation's capital. The problem is not statues, it is not flags or anthems, nor is it assault rifles. The problem is not even the few mental cases that have carried  out those horrible mass shootings.

The problem lies with our so called leaders who are controlled by their selfish agendas, by their hatred and anger, their arrogance, and their unwillingness to work in a civil manner with the opposition. The problem is the media that slants the news so that their political and social views are promoted. The problem is with the fake news sites which post those sensational, outrageous editions of the news so as to upset, frighten, and anger those who believe everything and anything they read. The problem is with the thousands, perhaps millions of people on social media sites who have nothing better to do with their time than argue with others about their political party, about their religion, about the latest controversy, or about whatever their soapbox view happens to be. The problem is that people are greedy and too self absorbed to care about the needs or feelings of others. The problem, and I’m sure there are many more, basically is that people had rather be right, than to be a legitimate, positive part of the solution.

I am saddened by what has happened to our nation and our world. America is in a mess of gigantic proportions. What is written and shared on social media, on Facebook, is not going to solve our problems. I wonder how many billions of hours have been wasted on Facebook by all the good intentioned people around the world? God has numbered our days, and actually our minutes. I must ask Him to forgive me for the precious moments I’ve wasted. Those who are followers of Christ can and should be a positive voice in the world and encourage others to do the same. We have two other choices. We can do nothing, or we can attack in anger disregarding our Lord’s command to love our enemies. What we do and how we do it is up to us. What will our choice be?

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