Monday, March 19, 2018

A Child's World

Last week my wife and I attended our granddaughter’s school’s performance of The Little Mermaid. Her role was that of Aquata, one of Ariel’s sisters. The performing arts center was sold out on just the second night of their seven night performances which run over a two week period. On this particular night the audience was full of little children. Most of them were holding their miniature blue tridents which lite up by the push of a button. Those were available for purchase at the entrance of the theater. Parents or grandparents gladly shelled out the ten dollars for those must have items. During the last scene the children were allowed to turn on their tridents and wave them around. The moment Prince Eric and Ariel were married the place was filled with gleaming bright blue tridents, the glow surpassed only by the big beaming smiles of every little girl in attendance.

Each night some of the actors go to the entrance of the performing arts center where they pose for pictures with their little admirers and even sign autographs for them. What a moment it was for those little girls and boys as they waited expectantly in line for their turn to actually have a moment with Ariel, Prince Eric, Scuttle the seagull,  Aguata or one of the other five mermaid sisters. Their precious smiles were contagious as parents, grandparents and just bystanders like me watched.

Holly, our granddaughter, is the  mermaid in the yellow.
Those of us who are many decades from the wonder years of childhood had the chance to be transported back to that time when we flew at the speed of a locomotive, and leaped tall buildings with a single bound-- or rode Trigger, Roy Rogers trusty horse, to catch the runaway stagecoach, or stand at the plate in the last inning of the final game of the World Series with the bases loaded and hit the winning home run for the Giants. In those days of wonder and magical dreams we could do anything and we were always the hero just as today children watching a play about a mermaid can swim under the sea, talk and dance with fish, and marry the handsome prince or beautiful mermaid.

As long as we are able to dream and hold on to the wonder and excitement that life provides, every one of us will remain young at heart. It is good to get out with small children to watch them and play with them. Spend ten bucks on a trident, or a Superman cape. Let them be the hero. What a blessing it is to tell them stories, and read to them. We should always strive to give them hope. What a glorious night it was for my wife and me to watch our talented granddaughter perform. We always are filled with joy when we watch her in her musicals and hear her sing. She is our hero.

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