Friday, March 30, 2018

How Did They Get So Old

A teacher knows he is old when many of his former students are getting old. I still view these students the same as I did when they were in my class, but I can’t believe that some of them are retired, have grandchildren, and one, just today, is celebrating 35 years of marriage. Of course I was only 21 when I began teaching and just 9 or 10 years older than those first students that I taught in middle school. One student who had struggled academically was only 6 years younger than me. 

I don’t want to brag, but I think I look younger than some of these characters I taught in school. Don’t let my white hair fool you. I’m in pretty good shape for a guy who is almost 70 years old. I know, they will accuse me of being so old that my eye sight is going. In my defense, I still have one pretty good eye. Some of the guys who I coached thought I was old back when they were playing for me. I guess now it is my turn to give them a hard time about their journey into the the land of old codgerdom. But I will give words of encouragement instead. 

Old age is a good thing despite the aches, pains and those ailments that keep one from doing what they once enjoyed. Making it into the 60’s and 70’s means that you have been blessed by God who has allowed you to live longer than many.  You continue to have opportunities to be with the ones you love, and many chances to make a positive impact on the community where you live and work. Some words of advice, don’t try to do too much, accept your limitations (don’t go at a task like you are killing snakes), slow down, be patient, enjoy the little things in life like beautiful flowers, pretty song birds, sunrises and sunsets, help others, pray, pray a lot, and trust God. 

Pray and trust God the way King David did when he was an old man. He prayed, “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone...Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me my God.” I’m sure David had hair because he didn’t mention being bald like some of you guys I taught many years ago. But bald would work the same as gray I’m sure. The point is this, David talked to God all the time and he trusted him. And in his old age God blessed him. Hang in there you young whipper snappers. In a few years when you are as old as I am now you may be as fit, trim, and as mentally sound as I am. I just wish I could remember where I put things.

Psalm 71: 9, 18


  1. Hi Bro. John Paul. My husband and are the 2nd couple that you performed the wedding ceremony for. 38 /12 years ago!!! I was probably among the very first classes you ever taught. Age does have a way of sneaking up on the old bones. hahaha But I'm thrilled I got to wake today. Every day I get to wake is a good day. I enjoy reading your blog. Happy Resurrection Day!!! Tell Sherri I said hello. Hope and pray y'all are doing well. patty

  2. Great to hear from you Rose. Wow! That has been a long time ago. Yes, any day we wake up and are able to function is a good day. Hope all is well with you as well. I’ll tell Sherri you said hi.

  3. Great to hear from you Rose. Wow! That has been a long time ago. Yes, any day we wake up and are able to function is a good day. Hope all is well with you as well. We would love to see you. Where do you live now? I’ll tell Sherri you said hi.
    Rose through me off just a bit.


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