Monday, May 28, 2018

Never Pass Up an Opportunity to Suffer

Suffering is something everyone wants to avoid. It doesn’t matter if it is physical suffering, mental suffering or emotional suffering we don’t want it in our lives or the lives of those we love. But suffering will come our way. It is inevitable even though we try to avoid it. However, there is suffering that we must welcome if we belong to Jesus. If we are sold out to him, serving him and standing up for him especially in this day we will suffer in some way.

Last Friday night I was at my wife’s 50th year class reunion. Many of her classmates who had gathered had not seen one another since maybe the night they graduated. Some of the spouses of the honored graduates were complete strangers. The reunion was wonderful, and everyone seemed to have fun.  As the night was coming to a close a final opportunity was given to anyone who wanted to speak. One of my wife’s dearest friends stood up. I could tell that there were tears in her eyes, and what she was about to say was not going to be easy for her. Immediately, her voice revealed great emotion and concern as she spoke. She said something like this. ‘When I was in school I was not a believer. So I did not know to ask any of you if you knew Jesus as your Savior. I am now a Christian. I am very sorry that I did not say anything to you about him back then. If you haven’t asked him to forgive you and to come into your heart I want to ask you tonight to consider making him your Savior.’ After she sat down another classmate stood and gave testimony of her faith in Jesus.

I’m sure I did not capture the incredible sincerity and longing within the heart of this sweet lady. I apologize if I lessened the intent of her beautiful words. I’ve known her almost all my life, and she has always been kind and compassionate despite having suffered in a different way from the time she was a little girl. I know what she did was hard for her to do. I don’t think she endured any attack or negative remarks for what she said on that night, but she could have, and she did it anyway. Christians all over the world today are accepting all kinds of hardships and suffering for for the cause of Christ by doing just what she did Friday night. Jesus told his disciples that the world hated him, and that it would hate them too if they obeyed him.

Today our nation is in a mess. People hate Jesus and they hate anyone who follows his teachings and obeys him. We do a lot of praying for revival, and we stop there. We are afraid to do what our lovely friend did and proclaim the truths of the Gospel. God will not honor our prayers if we do not obey him and tell this sinful world about Jesus. We must ask people if they know Jesus even if it means we will be scorned, laughed at or even persecuted. “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” Philippians 1:29

How can we not tell those who are perishing that there is hope in Jesus Christ? How can we be so selfish to keep the Gospel message to ourselves? Our suffering is a small price to pay if it will bring even one lost person to Jesus.

“But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect...” 1 Peter 3:14-15

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