Monday, June 18, 2018

Vacation Bible School

“Today is your first day of VBS!”, the first thing I said to Sherri this morning. She is helping with Vacation Bible School at our church this week. Almost 250 children have been registered, more than half of them four, five and six year olds. Over 100 adults will be there this morning to welcome these children. The theme for our VBS is “Operation Arctic.” When I walked into the church building yesterday morning I immediately saw igloos, wolves, snowflakes, trees covered in snow and all sorts of tundra scenes. Everywhere, all over the church facility there was evidence of the VBS theme.

VBS is much different today than when I was a kid. There were no massive decorations displayed in the church building. All of us stood outside when we arrived in the morning waiting for our teachers to line us up so that we could march in as we were led by three children carrying the American flag, the Christian flag and the Bible. The flags were too big for little children to carry. I couldn’t wait until I would be big enough to lead the others into the sanctuary carrying one of those big flags. We were like little soldiers, marching, standing at attention, placing our hands over our hearts and together reciting the pledges to the flags and to the Bible, God’s Holy Word!  After each pledge we sang the appropriate songs for each one. There was military like order with that part of VBS. We even sat and rose to specific cords played by the pianist.

I don’t remember any theme, but there were some specific lessons from the Bible that we were taught. Today VBS covers one week, but in my day we went for two weeks. I liked going to Bible school until I got to be about 12 years old. My friends and I thought we were too old. We didn’t like learning those Bible verse cards. There were 5 or 6 cards, each a different color, with 5 verses on each card. Our Bible teacher was alway Mrs. Shrum. She was a wonderful older lady, but very strict. She was determined that her rowdy boys were going to behave and learn those Bible verses. If we didn’t know them we were not allowed to have refreshments or go outside to play. Try doing that to a kid today.

I could tell much more about my VBS experiences, but I have already exceeded my space. You know, I still remember those Bible verses that Mrs. Shrum made me learn. And I am thankful that she made me learn them. I am thankful for all the women and men who sacrificed two weeks of their time to teach us about Jesus. Millions of kids will be going to VBS somewhere this summer. For many it will be the only time during the whole year that anyone will tell them about Jesus. It is so important that Christians pray that something these children experience in VBS this summer will be the catalyst to bring them to the Savior, Jesus Christ.

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