Thursday, August 9, 2018

This Is Life

Our new house is situated in a number of housing areas. We are in what is presently the last group of homes that are available. We probably have 150 neighbors in our section, and there are not many houses left. From the entrance of this area known as “The Traditions” back to where we live it is almost a mile. There are multiple homes on each side of the road—two story homes, town homes, large very expensive homes, patio homes and ranches. Land has already been cleared for more houses on down the road beyond us, and another large complex is already filling up with some very nice houses on past that. I wouldn’t even begin to guess how many houses there will be on this stretch of road which will extend for almost two miles.

The builders are doing all they can think of to bring in prospective buyers. Large strategically place signs are seen all along the road. They are very attractive with messages like “Find Adventure on Our Trails”, “Neighborhood Parks”, one with a beautiful poolside setting with beach chairs says,”Your Chair Awaits”. Then there is one that sums up all of it, “This Is the Life!”

“The Life” for the majority of modern day Americans is defined by the material things they own—nice houses, cars, clothes, trips to exotic places, a beach chair on the side of a pool, whatever brings pleasure.  For some life is in a bottle of alcohol, or in drugs, sex, pornography, gambling, and anything that feeds their selfish desires.

But real life is found in none of these things. Man receives Life in only one source. John 1:4 says, “In him (Jesus Christ) was life, and that life brought light to humanity.” He is the only one who will provide us with lasting satisfaction. Jesus changes sinful lives, struggling lives, lives stuck in a dangerous rut, and he makes them new, joy filled, peaceful lives.

I heard about a 40 year old man who had been a drug addict since his teen years. He was homeless, had no job, and did anything to get his fix. He was on a course to certain death, eternal death. One day he met a man who told him about Jesus. It was then that he found Life, the Light sacrificed for every man and woman, and his long road to recovery began. To make a long story short, this man became clean, received training, got a good job, met a wonderful Christian lady, was married and is now living the true life which he found in his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Satan tries to fool us with a false sense of what life is, what will make us happy and will satisfy us; whatever will make us feel good. Remember, he is a liar, and what he gives us is only temporary, and leads one on a path to destruction. If you really want “The Life” look to the sign that says, “This Is the Life: Jesus Christ the Lord

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