Friday, December 7, 2018

The Second Ark

Jesus said, “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.” The days of Noah represented a time when man had become so wicked that God decided to wipe out the human race. The world was corrupt and filled with violence. The intentions of the people’s hearts were set on doing evil. Their minds and actions were perverted, and their thoughts never considered the ways of God. Only Noah was found to be righteous in the eyes of God. Noah had three sons. God decided to save Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives from destruction. God told Noah to build an ark. This probably took him at least a hundred years. But during that time the human race continued their wicked ways. The rain began to fall and Noah, his family and the animals got on the ark, God sealed the ark and flooded the whole earth. No one survived except those on the ark.

Now according to scripture the ark represents Jesus and his second coming. Jesus said when he returns the world is going to be like it was in Noah’s day. The world will be full of violence. There will be so much killing and murder that society will become numb to those reports. We will hear of mass murders, men killing each other, children killing their parents, and parents killing their children, even their little babies. Man will ignore God. Wickedness and evil will characterize the societies of the world. Man’s thoughts will dwell on the most unholy intentions. Man will pervert God’s plan for the family. Sexual perversion will be considered wholesome and normal. Women with women and men with men will perform acts which God has deemed unnatural. Man will try to redo what God created. Finally, God, as in the days of Noah, will decide that it is time to destroy the earth, and those whose hearts are evil. And Jesus will return to take his saints to heaven.

As Noah and his family were secure in the ark those who are in Jesus Christ will be safe and secure in him. I heard a preacher say that Noah and his family were in the ark, not on the outside trying to hang on. Often the waters were rough and they fell down, but they got up and rode out the storms safe and secure inside the ark. In the same way we will have times when we will fall down because of the storms we experience in life. But if we are in Christ we will get up and ride out those storms safe and secure in him. God saves those who are righteous. The only ones whom God deems righteous are those who are covered by the righteousness of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the Ark of our salvation. From my point of view I think it could be that he will return very soon.

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