Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Trading God For The World

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

This verse does not work for us if we do not trust God. Love and trust always go together. We cannot truly love God if we do not trust him. Too many Christians ask God for help but doubt that he will help. They doubt because they do not fully believe in him to provide.  When we know what God wants us to do and do not obey we have a serious trust and love problem. We go our own way, a way which leads to sin. What we are actually doing is trading God for the sin we have chosen. This is why so many Christians are struggling.

For instance, when a man and a woman stand before God to be wed they vow to love each other, to trust each other, to be true to each other and to remain together until they die. They make a sacred promise to God. And God obviously promises to honor their union by providing them with his constant blessings. But at some point in the marriage the wife allows herself to wander away from her husband into another man’s arms. They enter into a passionate affair sleeping together, and she breaks that sacred vow she had made to God. A husband’s eyes become focused on another woman, and he burns with lust. He pursues her and wins her affection. The two of them chose to enter the bed of adultery, and the husband also beaks the sacred vow he made to God. 

These are examples of two Christians who have traded God for a sinful, adulterous relationship. Their choices damage their relationship with God. What they have chosen to do brings hurt to many. The lives of their children are greatly damaged no matter their age. Their parents, friends and their church are also hurt. Nothing good comes to them when they trade God for their lustful, bad decisions. The most tragic part of this is that they traded the richness of their Heavenly Father for the filth of the evil world. 

Let us not use the verse that all things work together for those who love God when we don’t trust our Lord to keep us and help us in times when we are tempted.

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