Saturday, February 25, 2023

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

 Outward Beauty Is Skin Deep, Inward Beauty Lives Deep In The Heart

Let's say that Jesus shows up at your church one Sunday, as does  several other visitors. Do you think you could tell which one Jesus is? He would not resemble any of those handsome white men in the Sunday School pictures. The Bible teaches that he was not handsome. His physical appearance would be much different than we could ever imagine, but that doesn’t matter. All the things that people do to look young and beautiful are not all that important. The Scriptures speak of the relationship that Christians should have with Jesus. To grow in Him we must be more and more like Him. Christ likeness is one way the Scripture speaks of becoming more like Jesus. So if Jesus doesn’t look like a handsome white Jesus, what does He look like today? 

Saturday afternoon a couple from church came to visit Sherri and me. They brought the meal that we had that night. Their names are Glenda and Sonny. They sat and talked to me despite the fact that I wasn’t able to understand a lot of what they were saying because of my temporary deafness. Sherri wasn’t home until later. I really enjoyed their visit because I haven’t talked face to face with anyone except Sherri and my doctors for a little more that five weeks. It  meant so much to me that they brought us dinner, and kept me company. Glenda and Sonny cared about Sherri and me very much. 

Helen is a lady in our Sunday School class. She is in her 90’s and is more active in our church than most members. Helen has been emailing me to check to see how I am doing since my bout with COVID began. I know that she really cares about Sherri and me. She has been praying for me throughout my illness. Each time Helen will end her message with a sentence something like this, “You and Sherri are precious to Jesus and to me.”  Helen. 

Susan and Perry are in our small group which has met at our house on Tuesday nights for over two years. Perry has had some respiratory problems.  Susan has researched extensively and has learned exactly what it takes to help Perry get through the times when he is struggling. Susan brought everything she could think of that would help me with my bronchitis. She and Perry have helped us many times because they care about us. 

What does Jesus look like? 

Well Jesus looks like Sonny, Glenda, Helen, Susan and Perry. Christ likeness is not about our outward appearance. Christ likeness has  everything to do with our spiritual appearance. We as Christians should  want to be like Jesus. We should want to act like him, and we know how Jesus acts. We know when we are not acting like him, at least I do. I don’t like myself when I’m acting ugly.  Jesus never ever acted ugly toward anyone, neither should we.. 

In the three examples I mentioned there was one word I used to describe each person. That word was care. Jesus cares for each of us. He loves and cares so much that he died for us. You and I don’t have to die for any one, but we are expected to lovingly care for every person. Jesus cares because of his love for mankind. We care because we love Jesus and want to be like him.

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