Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Big Disappointment

 Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Unfortunately St. Patrick’s Day is not the same for me. I grew up thinking I was Irish. If your last name is Brady you are Irish, right? Brady a derivative of O’Brady? 

After working on my family tree recently I discovered that my ancestors came from an area about an hours drive north east of London, England, meaning that the Bradys that I came from are British. I was disappointed, but I guess a British heritage isn’t all that bad. I still had hopes that my journey perusing the tree on my maternal side would reveal an Irish background. Again I struck out. The Christian clan is German. We were originally called Christiansen. I did find one ancestor that may have been Scottish. That was as close to Irish as I got.

I am not an Irishman. I had always wanted to go to “me homeland” as I let it be known in my best Irish accent. And Irish mashed potatoes have always been my favorite, so much so that my brother and I used to fight over who would get the first helping at dinner. Frequently, I would look up as my dad was offering thanks and Mike, my stinking little brother, would have his grubby little hand on the spoon in the mashed potato bowl. As soon as I heard amen I would grab the bowl, and the fight was on. I don’t know how many times neither of us got a taste of mashed potatoes. 

But just when I was thinking that it is all right to be British/German I discovered something much worse. I did one of those DNA tests at the first of the year. I was hoping that it would show for certain that I was Irish or at least British. No Irish whatsoever, but there was some British and German in my blood. But here is the kicker. I am predominately Finnish/Scandinavian. Who wants to be Finish? I know nothing about Finland unless that is where some of the Vikings came from. I can’t even begin to say anything with a Finnish accent. O well, I am what I am. Maybe some day I’ll get a chance to go to “me real homeland”! I’ll see if I can get one of those Viking hats or helmets. The best part of being Finnish is I think that is where Santa Claus is from.

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